Benchmarking your Brokerage: Productivity Lessons from the Mega 1000
In this year’s Real Estate Almanac’s brokerage section, the Mega 1000, we reported that four brokerages reached $100 billion in sales volume in 2021. While the rapid growth of these companies garnered most of the resulting headlines, it was clear that dozens of mid-level brokerages were also having a banner year. We began to wonder, […]
10 Steps to a Fast Growing Brokerage or Team
Looking for your playbook to growth and success? Whether you lead a brokerage or are growing a team, you face many business challenges that other leaders have already tackled. Based on our work with hundreds of successful brokers and teams in our T3 Fellows program, we determined there are 10 strategies brokerages and teams benefit […]
Create a Compelling Brand Story that Builds Connection
As a broker/owner or team leader, it’s important to move from “chasing” to “attracting” recruits and clients by telling a more powerful brand story. Join Dean Cottrill, EVP, Brokerage and Frederick Herot, VP, Marketing at T3 Sixty for a discussion on strategies and best practices for building a compelling brand story that encapsulates and expresses […]
Leverage Primary Markets to Capture More Market Share
As a broker/owner or team leader, it’s important to understand how your agents can build their businesses by focusing effort on a specific geographic territory or “primary market.” Dean Cottrill, EVP, T3 Sixty dives into the concept of primary markets covering these four points: What is a Primary Market? Primary Market Income Marketing and Advertising […]
Generate More Business for Your Agents through Sphere Marketing
More business comes from your agent’s sphere than any other lead source T3 Fellows has a proven approach on how to leverage your sphere and tap into a growth area for improving your business. In this webinar, we will dive into these four elements of sphere marketing and give you practical ways to implement them […]
10 Steps to a Fast Growing Brokerage or Team
Looking for your playbook to growth and success? Whether you lead a brokerage or are growing a team, you face many challenges that other business leaders have already tackled. T3 Fellows offers best practices and building blocks for a modern real estate company. Based on our work with hundreds of successful brokers and teams in […]
2022 Swanepoel Trends Report Overview
This year’s Swanepoel Trends Report captures significant trends, changes and new business models impacting brokers and agents. Join Jack Miller, president, and Dean Cottrill, SVP of T3 Sixty, for their annual webinar, where they do a deep dive into the 2022 Swanepoel Trends Report, highlighting the trends you need to know about in order to […]
End the year strong and prepare to thrive in 2022
By setting real-world and achievable production, recruiting, financial goals and leading your agents in their own goal-setting activities for smart company growth, you can thrive in 2022. On November 3rd, at 10 am Pacific, join T3 Sixty’s SVP of Brokerage Dean Cottrill for a flash webinar on proven goal-setting systems and strategies you can implement […]
Amplify your organization’s unique value proposition to recruit the best candidates
To successfully recruit, it’s important that recruiting and marketing efforts align and work together to amplify your organization’s unique value proposition. On October 6th at 10:00 am Pacific, join T3 Sixty’s Dean Cottrill, SVP of brokerage consulting, and Frederick Herot, VP of Marketing, for a flash webinar where they will discuss the four key steps […]
Agent Archetypes: The 4 Ways Agents Make Money
To achieve higher success, it’s important to know what kind of agents you have (or want to have) in your business. This significantly reduces the amount of time and money wasted on people, tools and systems that simply don’t produce the needed results. There are four ways agents typically make money and operate their sales […]